Regardless of your fitness level, we recommend checking out our Back to Basics Program (Click Here). You may find you have some muscular weaknesses that would benefit from starting with this B2B program before using the CSUN Parcourse. Similarly, after reviewing the suggested exercises below OR if you are NOT on campus, the B2B program may be the ideal starting point for your lifelong physical activity journey. We have prepared B2B for both our on and off campus 3 WINS Fitness communities. As with all physical activity, start slow and progress gradually. If you have any pain or dizziness, consult with your physician.

A message from Steven Loy, Ph.D., Exercise Physiologist Creator of CSUN Get Active
I am an exercise physiologist in our Kinesiology Department. My profession is about improving human physical performance no matter your age or fitness level. Many of you may be wondering, "What is the the purpose of this Get Active program?" It's pretty simple. If we can help you engage in our program:
- We reduce the risk for all-cause mortality by 33%
- We open the door to you sharing some hopes and dreams of what you'd like to physically accomplish and bring it to reality
- You increase the chances of retiring in good health
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I’m not talking marathons or Mt. Whitney (but you could) … I’m talking first, being more comfortable in your activities of daily living and second, gradually making those activities more adventurous than walking up the stairs, working in the garden, doing home duties, and just making it through the work week. I’m talking LIVING!
This program is borne from my 30+ years at CSUN, doing exercise research with staff and faculty on ways to improve their health and fitness and then watching too many, return to their sedentary lives. I’ve seen people I worked with in my early years retire in poor health and it didn’t have to be that way! It has been sad to experience.
I decided we would take our nationally recognized 3 WINS Fitness and create an on-campus worksite wellness program for you to establish a CAREER LONG relationship with physical activity. No matter your current fitness status, we are going to help you improve. It’s not a rushed transformation of 8 weeks or a year . . . it’s going to be at your pace to build a program of improvement throughout your career.
We are going to have our team of 3 WINS Fitness instructors create different videos that we hope you will resonate with. Our instructors have different approaches and they have unique personalities just like you!
Right now, in this challenging time of COVID-19, we will take you through videos, day by day to improve your health at home or in your office and eventually lead you to our Parcourse at Lindley and Plummer when our campus re-opens. At the Parcourse, we will teach you how you can begin at Level 1 which we’ll call Let’s Get Moving to Level 2 (Active Lifestyle) to Level 3 (Performance). It will be your option where you want to level off at and if you want to rise further; our program will take you there. There will be a series of personal instruction sessions to ensure your safety and progression and beyond that we’ll always be here for consultations to improve even more.
Check it out and if you have any questions, contact me at [email protected] and I’ll give you answers.
How do I get started?
If you would like to take advantage of our pre-designed exercise circuits, we suggest you complete the 2022 Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire+ (PAR-Q+) as it may suggest consultation with a physician.
CLICK HERE to get started with our pre-designed exercise circuits!
We will give you the tools you need to create your own exercise program that meets your unique needs. With exercise videos that address all major muscle groups, you can safely and gradually progress your fitness level. Whether you're coming off the couch or looking for a new challenge, we've got you covered!
Click Here to Control Your Destiny and Get Active!
Find Us @ CSUN
Don't forget to check out our Back to Basics (B2B) Exercise Series! A guide to LIFELONG Fitness!