In the News
The Far-reaching Impact of Community Volunteering
The foundation of the health and fitness industry is the professionals who work in their communities every day to improve the health and wellness of not only their individual clients and class participants, but also the community at large. It’s common knowledge in the industry that we tend to reach the same folks again and again, as they join gyms, drop out, then rejoin when it’s New Year’s resolution time.
ACE-SUPPORTED RESEARCH: Does 3 WINS Fitness Provide the Wins It Promises?
3 WINS Fitness is one of ACE’s Community Engagement partners and is recognized as an innovative program for delivering great physical-activity experiences to populations and communities that may not otherwise have access to such programs and that have disproportionately high rates of physical inactivity and related preventable chronic disease.
Runner and Kinesiology Professor Steven Loy Built a Community Health Program That Works for All
Steven Loy started in the last wave of the inaugural San Fernando Valley Mile, on
Saturday, October 29, 2022. It was both an exciting and stressful day for Loy, a
kinesiology professor at California State University in Northridge. He was not only
the race organizer, but also a runner himself.
The Pandemic of Physical Inactivity with Dr. Steven Loy Ph.D
There has been widespread acceptance of physical activity as a global public health issue, with many countries including it as part of their national public health plans. Unfortunately, physical activity is often treated as a secondary factor hidden in broad non-communicable disease planning efforts.
CSUN’s 3 WINS Fitness Pioneers First LAUSD Kinesiology Magnet School
3 WINS Fitness started in 2011 as a project by a group of California State University, Northridge kinesiology students and faculty to bring health training and nutrition education to the community for free. Originally called 100 Citizens and recognized by the White House in 2013, the program operates in underserved communities across Southern California
In this neighborhood exercise class, the push-ups aren’t for pushovers
I showed up in sneakers and sweats, prepared to join the exercise class that meets every Thursday morning in Canoga Park.
I expected lots of stretching, a few jumping jacks, an easy jog around the grassy field at Lanark Park. The lawn was lined with yoga mats and ringed with baby strollers. The students were mostly moms, some clad in denim pants and spangly tops.
How hard could this class be?
CSUN grad student leads free bilingual fitness, health education classes in Sylmar
To make the transition easier from possibly being a couch potato during the last two COVID years to a healthier, more fit individual, a graduate-student-led health training and nutrition education program offers free, bilingual health education and fitness classes every Saturday through October at El Cariso Community Regional Park in Sylmar.
CSUN Professor Invited to the White House
California State University, Northridge kinesiologyprofessor Steven Loy is heading to the White House.
At Five Years, CSUN’s 3 Wins Fitness Makes its Mark on Locals’ Health – and Now Focuses Across the State
Mary-Anne Saffon-King was involved in a car accident in 2013. The crash left her in a coma for two days and then, when she awoke, seriously limited her mobility on the right side of her body. Three years later she is exercising, dancing and smiling at the San Fernando Recreation Park three mornings a week – without any physical sign of the injuries from her accident.
"3 Wins" for Students, Participants and Communities
A CSU Northridge program expands to include more campuses, helping more California communities get fit and healthy.
Estudiantes de California ayudan a hispanos a estar sanos y en forma
Diabetes y presión arterial alta. Los participantes del programa de ejercicio gratuito ofrecido en parques en el Valle de San Fernando, en el sur de Los Ángeles, San Francisco y el condado de Stanislaus son en su mayoría latinos y sufren de estas y otras enfermedades crónicas.
"Cultivando Salud" Primer Volumen
Cultivando salud es el primer libro digital bilingüe creado en conjunto por estudiantes de periodismo y estudiantes de diseño gráfico de la Universidad del Estado de California en Northridge (CSUN).
Push-ups In The Park: Cal State Students Lead Outdoor Exercise In Low-Income Areas
It’s early on a Wednesday morning and this city’s Recreation Park is bustling with dozens of people doing sprints, leg lifts and squats as enthusiastic students from California State University, Northridge cheer them on.
3 WINS Fitness: Free Exercise Classes get Communities Moving
Regular physical activity promotes good health and well-being. Yet, about 80 percent of American adults do not meet the minimum recommended levels for cardiovascular activity and strength training needed to support optimal health and prevent the risk of chronic diseases.
Free outdoor exercise classes get diabetics doing squats
It’s early on a Wednesday morning and San Fernando's Recreation Park is bustling with dozens of people doing sprints, leg lifts and squats as enthusiastic students from California State University, Northridge cheer them on.
Estudiantes de California ayudan a hispanos a estar sanos y en forma
Es temprano un miércoles a la mañana y el Recreation Park de esta ciudad está lleno de docenas de personas haciendo carreras cortas, elevación de piernas y sentadillas, estimulados por los entusiastas estudiantes de la Universidad Estatal de California, en Northridge
Journal Publications
Implementation Evaluation of a Parks- and Faith-Based Multilevel Intervention to Promote Physical Activity Among Latinos
Perez, L. G., Blagg, T., Celeste-Villalvir, A., Castro, G., Mata, M. A., Perez, S., Arredondo, E., Loy, S., Larson, A., & Derose, K. P. (2024). Implementation Evaluation of a Parks- and Faith-Based Multilevel Intervention to Promote Physical Activity Among Latinos. Journal of Physical Activity and Health (published online ahead of print 2024). Retrieved Oct 14, 2024, from
Linking churches and parks to promote physical activity among Latinos: Rationale and design of the Parishes & Parks cluster randomized trial
Derose, K. P., Cohen, D. A., Han, B., Arredondo, E. M., Perez, L. G., Larson, A., Loy, S., Mata, M. A., Castro, G., De Guttry, R., Rodriguez, C., Seelam, R., Whitley, M. D., Perez, S. (2022). Linking churches and parks to promote physical activity among Latinos:
Rationale and design of the Parishes & Parks cluster randomized trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials. Retrieved from
Qualitative Analysis of a Kinesiology Student-Led Sustainable Exercise Program Targeting Underserved Communities
Chaudhari, L. S., Lang-Balde R., Carlos, J., Loy, S. (2022). Qualitative Analysis of a Kinesiology Student-Led Sustainable Exercise Program Targeting Underserved Communities. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. Retrieved from
3 WINS Fitness: A pilot study of a park-based program for low-income communities
Spear, S. E., Xie, H., Hernandez, D., Khanlian, T., Carlos, J., Figueroa-Valenzuela, R., Barba, R. G., Manlutac, J. J., & Loy, S. F. (2021). 3 WINS Fitness: A pilot study of a park-based program for low-income communities. Journal of Kinesiology & Wellness, 10, 31-39. Retrieved from
An innovative solution and call to action for the physical inactivity pandemic
Reyes C., Carlos J., Guerra T., Vo J., Loy S. (2021). An innovative solution and call to action for the physical inactivity pandemic. J Phys Fitness Sports Med, 10 (3): 165-169.

Increasing physical activity in the community setting
E. Peterman, S. Loy, J. Carlos, R. Arena, L.A. Kaminsky. (2020). Increasing physical activity in the community setting. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases.

3 WINS Fitness: Sustainable, Affordable, and Scalable Fitness Program for the Next Generation
Loy, S. (2019). 3 WINS Fitness: Sustainable, Affordable, and Scalable Fitness Program for the Next Generation. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 1–2.
3 WINS Fitness—Student-Delivered Free and Sustainable Exercise Programming in Public Parks: A Scalable Public Health Solution
Loy S. (2017). 3 WINS Fitness—Student-Delivered Free and Sustainable Exercise Programming in Public Parks: A Scalable Public Health Solution. Kinesiology Review, 6(4), 341-345.
Parks & 3 WINS Fitness Partnership
Campa E., Fackler J., Francisco C., Jasso J., Mayo N., Mendoza S., Loy S. (2016). Parks & 3 WINS Fitness Partnership. California Parks & Recreation, 72: 8-12
Effectiveness of a Free Exercise Program
Han B., Cohen D.A., Derose K.P., Marsh T., Williamson S., Loy S. (2015). Effectiveness of a free exercise program in a neighborhood park. Preventive Medicine Reports, 2: 255-8.