Facebook Page + Instagram: @fmmcsun


1. Liabilty Waiver-FMM

2. Photo Release Form

3. PAR-Q


The Purpose and Creation of Friday Morning Matadors (FMM)

Friday Morning Matadors is a unifying fitness movement for the CSUN community. The purpose and creation of FMM is to gather CSUN Matadors and their colleagues through fitness/wellness, develop camaraderie with school spirit, and improve campus-wide health! The program is designed specifically for CSUN students, faculty, staff, and alumni. ALL FITNESS LEVELS! 

Before 100 Citizens’ Friday Morning Matadors (FMM), there was the outstanding Friday Morning Warriors that brought energy to El Cariso Park in Sylmar, California. This was a free fitness program designed to be the rallying point for those from the Sylmar and CSUN communities who have a passion for health and fitness. After its commencement, the program quickly evolved into a major networking tool for current CSUN students. Many undergraduates had the opportunity to receive mentorship and guidance from graduate students and CSUN Alumni that attended Friday mornings at 6:30AM and we thought bringing it to CSUN would:

1) Be a stimulus to improve the health of all CSUN participants.

2) Create a campus spirit seen nowhere else!


FMM is open to any individual that wishes to support the movement and RISE to a new opportunity. FMM participants are encouraged to continue their health goals at the CSUN Student Recreation Center! RISE with us!


Take A Sneak Peak!

Rise with us!